Sunday, February 15, 2009

random things

ok well this is the day after , where my neck is stiff and a lil tired 4rm my "wild " ways, lol.

um ok , the past 2 weeks have been pretty uneventful and ive been super busy with work so please 4give me. due to the recent increase in all of those "25 things about me lists" ive been inspired to write a 15 Random/not so random things aobut baylor/texas

1. they really do say 'dubya' for w

2. girls at baylor think its appropriate to go to class in gym gear ( it's not)

3. apparently the choice in the mornings is between a shower and breakfast after a sweaty workout

4 . school is actually hard

5. people here are overachievers and a friend of mine said don't worry u'll do better wen i got 64% for a math test i'd heard about only 2days b4 i wrote it.

6. george dubya is a friend of the coach of the women's basketball team

7 . he has come to a baylor basketball game

8. he wants to teach a course at baylor soon

9. people get married at like 12 here , ok maybe its 21 but thats the same thing

10. baylor has a ring before spring tradition where juniors (3rd years ) r supposed to be engaged before spring break and in honour of that the school newspaper has a wedding sipplement.

11.being liberal is not normal

12. a lot of people dnt know that south africa is a country

13. the scriptwriter from silence of the lambs went to baylor.

14. angela from 'the office' is from baylor

15. only doctor pepper product drinks are sold on campus and on tuesdays you get a free doctor pepper float

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